Quest for Glory Omnipedia

An ancient city found somewhere in the Shapeir Desert (or rather Raseir Desert).


Iblis once sought to rule the world and created a great city in the middle of the desert, but Suleiman bin Daoud summoned all the Djinn to rise against Iblis. Iblis was bound in a statue, and his mighty city was destroyed to become his tomb. Suleiman decided that one of his Djinni followers would have to be tasked with keeping watch over the statue in that cavern; a djinn volunteered and Suleiman bound it to a magical ring. It was half-buried in the dunes, with its gate, displaying the constellations of the Dragon and the Scorpion.

It was prophesized that the door would open again 1001 years later, when the moon would be caught between the jaws of the Dragon and the claws of the Scorpion, and a Hero from the North would pass through it; Ad Avis considered that the time had come, and after hypnotizing the Hero he brought him to the ruins, but was unable to open the door as the moon was in the wrong location. The Hero fulfilled the prophecy by using Zayishah's Hand Mirror, reflecting the moonlight to the door, right between the jaws of the dragon and the claws of the scorpion.

The Hero passed through several rooms each corresponding to the four elements of Air, Water, Fire and Earth (and finally a test of Honor) in order to reach the statue possessed by the evil Marid, but once he reaches it, Ad Avis directly teleports there, gets the statue and traps the Hero inside. The Hero however escape finding the magic ring, and released He Who Waits Behind, who teleported him outside the Raseir Palace to stop Ad Avis's ceremony.

Iblia wood grows in the hills of the Forbidden City of Iblis.[1]


  1. The table is made of hand rubbed Iblia wood from the hills of the Forbidden City of Iblis.