Quest for Glory Omnipedia

Arne Saknoosen is an Aardvark, an earth pig.


He was sent out by the Aardvark Alliance to discover what caused a tremor in the Magical force.

He is a world famous explorer.

Behind the scenes[]

His name originates from Arne Saknussemm a mysterious 16th century alchemist who discovered the inner world in Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth. As the character is literally an "Earth Pig" who digs to the center of the earth this is fitting.

The design for Arne appears to originate from the Cerebus the Aardvark comics[1], which race is also known as 'Earth-Pigs'. Aardvark literally means Earth-Pig in Dutch Afrikaans.

Also see[]

Arne Saknoosen (unofficial)


