Quest for Glory Omnipedia

Make friends and influence people

Communication is a Skill. It is a measure of how well the Hero speaks and how well he can bargain with others. It is first introduced in Quest for Glory 2, and all Heroes have it as a Skill.


In Quest for Glory 2 and Quest for Glory 3, Communication affects how well you can bargain with merchants.

In QfG2, low Communication can prompt different narration, for example when the Hero tells his story to Julanar.

In QfG3, Rajah Sah Tarna will mock a Hero with low Communication for his lack of eloquence, but this has no lasting impact.

Quest for Glory 4 removed the ability to bargain, making Communication merely changing some dialogue, yet it can still be trained.

In Quest for Glory 5, Communication was removed entirely, and the bargaining modifier was instead made a function of Honor.

Communication cannot have points added to it in Quest for Glory II. To create a starting Communication for the Hero, three-quarters of the Hero's Intelligence is added to one-quarter of the Hero's Luck, and this calculation is done before the application of any points from the Point Pool, so even if the Hero increases either Intelligence or Luck, the initial Communication will remain the same. Imported Heroes, on the other hand, can have an increased Communication as their "starting" points may be greater than the baseline.

In the following games, the skill is a standard type and can have points assigned.


Training Communication is a simple matter of repeatedly speaking to people.

Like all Abilities and Skills, Communication can be increased by 50 in Quest for Glory II using Djinni He Who Waits Behind's wishes.

Abilities and Skills
Abilities Strength · Intelligence · Agility · Vitality · Luck
Skills Weapon Use · Parry · Dodge · Stealth · Lockpicking · Throwing · Climbing · Magic · Communication (Bargain) · Paladin · Acrobatics · Defense · Swimming · Pickpocketing
Other Honor (Bargain) · Sleeping · Dropping items · Running · Eating · Drinking · Experience Points · Puzzle Points · Thief Sign